Heroes of Newerth Wiki

Community[ | ]

HoN Tour Season 4[ | ]

The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to www.hontour.com for more information.

Community Funding | The Paragons[ | ]

Cycle 1 kicked off HTS4 with some amazing action. With a total prize pool of $25,356, the community did a great job making Cycle 1 great. Cycle 2 kicks of this weekend and funding for cycle 3 starts on Wednesday September 9th when Opal Paragon Riftwalker enters Plinko! Show your support for HTS4 and get your avatars today! 25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

Matchmaking Maps & Modes[ | ]

New Content[ | ]

Gold Collection[ | ]

The fortune hunters of The War Effort have been exploring areas of Newerth untouched for centuries, and when one expedition descended into the pitch-black tombs hidden beneath the Great Waste they found something waiting for them. Karnak the Tomb Guardian had stood watch over his dead master as generations lived and died in the world above, and his mission is simple: prevent anyone from stealing the riches that would ensure his master's prosperity in the afterlife. Good luck to the explorers who try to make him fail.

The Paragons[ | ]

The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth, and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man, Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons, knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the fight against the Hellbourne as well.
The multicolored opal contains traces of the virtues of all the other magical crystals, and the master of these gems wields a powerful spectrum of sorcery. She is able to alter the very fabric of existence, and those affected by her opaline magic find their existence -- what little remains -- completely within her control.
Opal Paragon Riftwalker Upgrades:
  • Riftwalker Cascade Event Cascade Event Upgrade: Deeper purple effects with additional blue shockwaves and crystals piercing through the center.
  • Riftwalker Shared Existence Shared Existence Upgrade: Adds crystals on the chest of the target along with a purple cloud effect above and small piercing crystals below.
  • Riftwalker Rift Burn Rift Burn Upgrade: Extra white comets circle through the black hole with smaller blue crystals circling the center.
  • Riftwalker Wormhole Wormhole Upgrade: Additional crystals form at each wormhole while crystal shards penetrate the ground around the feet of Riftwalker. The impact of the wormhole causes more crystals to poke through the ground leaving glowing cracks in their place.
  • Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!
  • New Paragon Upgrade: Paragon Selection Circle
    • The Paragons are so powerful they even change the selection circle! For the first time in the history of HoN, get a unique selection circle for your Paragon avatars!
    • Claim the Paragon Selection Circle for free by owning Paragon Empath, Paragon Parasite, and Paragon Riftwalker!

The War Effort[ | ]

The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy avatars!

Labor Day[ | ]

Even the earth-shakers and wall-breakers need a day off, so the Behemoth Union has it in their contract that a few times a year they get a long weekend away from rebuilding the walls, towers, and barracks destroyed by the Hellbourne. The foremen Engineers actually appreciate this downtime on the job site -- they keep telling the Behemoths that iron girders aren't supposed to be used as hammers and fissures aren't up to code when it comes to running drain systems -- and the holiday allows the Engineers to repair most of the damage done by their work crews. But come Tuesday, it's back to the grind...

eSports Community Winner[ | ]

MadCat was once a part of Boxi's household and lived the life every house cat dreams of. Through a glitch in the latest HoN patch she was sucked through his monitor and into the world of Newerth. Scared and confused, she stumbled upon a tribe of monkey couriers and was taken to the Monkey King for judgement. One look into her precious eyes was enough. The Monkey King kept her as his loyal companion, training her to become one of the most formidable warriors -- and snugglers -- of Newerth.
  • This is an eSports Community Winner. Concept and lore inspired by community member Boxi.

[ | ]

To celebrate the successful collaboration between HoN and Mountain Dew Thailand, smash your enemies and your thirst with Mountain Dew Monkey King!

China Avatars[ | ]

The acolytes of Dampeer are known as the Bloodthirsty, men and women who forsake the sustenance of food and drink for the unnatural consumption of human flesh in the hopes it will act as a gateway to their ultimate goal: subsisting on the pure vitality of their victims. They learn quickly that adrenaline and fear make the meat taste far better, so terrorizing their prey before digging in is a must, and a pleasure.
Dragons and Gryphons have always had a tenuous relationship -- each species believes it is the the most majestic and capable guardian of treasure and sacred locations (and the Gryphons insist their flames burn much hotter and cleaner) - but when it comes to the World Tree, the most priceless and vital life form on Newerth, the Gryphons set aside their rivalry and stand wing-to-wing with Draconis and his kin to ensure the forces of corruption do not touch even a single leaf. But everyone still knows that beaks and feathers are much more glorious than snouts and scales.

General[ | ]

  • New Courier: Ejeab
Some say this chicky courier brings misfortune with your items; do you dare see if it's true?

POGs[ | ]

These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

Bug Fixes & Optimizations[ | ]

General[ | ]

  • Continuously denying an ally will no longer play the Nemesis announcer sounds.
  • 8-bit Announcer no longer creates a persisting buzzing noise when disconnecting from a game after a team's main building is destroyed.
  • Added missing radial ping tool area names to Capture the Flag.

Heroes[ | ]

Doctor Repulsor Doctor Repulsor

  • Doctor Gamer Doctor Gamer's Doctor Repulsor Ludicrous Speed Ludicrous Speed will properly play the laugh voice line at all ranks of the ability.
  • Anunnaki Anunnaki is no longer missing a texture while attacking with medium and low model quality settings.

Ravenor Ravenor

  • Rift Ravenor Rift Ravenor is no longer incorrectly labelled as part of the Rift Beasts set.

Puppet Master Puppet Master

  • Puppet Master's Puppet Master Puppet Show Puppet Show (W) now properly perplexes the target while it is being forced to attack something.

Valkyrie Valkyrie

  • Brunhild Brunhild Valkyrie properly plays her taunt audio clip after killing an enemy she taunted.